Sunday, February 01, 2009

SharkScope, Vegas Summary, FTOPS, etc.

Tonight I found a website that is basically a public online database of everyone's tournament results at pretty much all of the poker sites. Pretty sick, huh? You can search for anyone based on their screenname. So of course, I searched for myself! So it returned a bunch of data on me, including this graph of my results:


Pretty cool, huh? I'm not entirely sure how far back it goes, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of this graph is within the last two months or so because I didn't play that many tournaments on Full Tilt before that. Notice the bit of a downswing I'm having right now, though. yeah, it's been pretty sucky. But, I think what I might do is check this website periodically, and post a new graph each month to see how I'm doing.

Anyways, I've been meaning to write a recap of Vegas, which I still plan to. But for now, I'll just give a brief summary of the gambling results: I played in a couple of tournaments, didn't cash in either (3rd in one that paid top 2, 13th in another that paid top 6). Lost a bunch on craps and blackjack, too. But managed to come out ahead in non-tournament poker. The totals were something like:

Blackjack: -$155
Craps: -$100
Poker Tournaments: -$140
Poker cash games: +$220

total: -$175

The FTOPS tournament that I won a seat into is in less than a week, on Wednesday at 6pm. First place is still listed at $172,960... gonna have to have a lot of things go right to even get anywhere close to that. But here we goooo...

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