Wednesday, August 15, 2007

3-handed at Parkers 8/16 game

Somehow, last night, Mike and I ended up playing 3-handed in an 8/16 game at Parkers with one other random dude.

Not exactly the game sitution that I'd like to be in. But basically, we were on the list for 8/16, we got called, and as we were making our way to the table, the game completely broke. There was just one guy left who wanted to play, and suggested that we play 3-handed. I didn't really want to, but Mike did, and the other guy kept saying that more people will come if we keep the game going. So we did.

Anyways, I wound up winning a little bit (like $40) in about an hour. Mike dropped about $200.

Our game ended when the other guy got called for his 12/24 seat. Then Mike suggested that we play heads up. I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not, but I said HELL NO. haha. That kid is crazy sometimes.

Then we got our free comped food (we both ordered fried chicken wings) and left.

Also, I made a bet with Bill (one of Mike's old housemates) last night that he wouldn't get mugged in the next 12 months. He recently moved to First Hill, which is kind of a hit-or-miss neighborhood, in that some parts of it are nice and some are quite shady. But I don't think he will actually get mugged, he's a pretty big white guy, and I'd think that thieves would have better targets than him. So we made a $50 bet last night, if he doesn't get mugged in the next year then I win $50, and if he does get mugged, then I pay him $50. So he has a little insurance for if he does get mugged, heh.

Less than one week until Vegas!!

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