I've played about 4600 hands at $25nl now, so I'm almost halfway to my target of 10,000 hands. The PokerStars roll currently sits at like $302. I had gotten it up to about $355, but then started not running as good over the past thousand hands or so.
I'm getting pretty eager to move up to $50nl though. By traditional bankroll management rules I think I'm not really supposed to go there until my roll is at like $1k-$2k (20-30 buy-ins), but whatev. As long as I just use my head, I think I can avoid going busto...
I'm also looking at what I can buy with my Frequent Player Points (FPPs). I currently have just under 1,000. lol, that's not very much. But apprently you can buy seats into tournaments with these things! Right now, for example, they have a $8,500 Asia Pacific Poker Tour event (in Macau), for 500,000 FPPs, and also a $15,875 tournement Europeant Poker Tour event (in Barcelona) for 940,000 FPPs. I imagine the WSOP will be somewhere in that ballpark as well...
Might take me a while to get that many points, haha. I also have to be at the Platinum Star VIP level in order to be eligible to purchase these things. And to be Platinum requires a certain amount of play per month, which I'm certainly not anywhere near right now.
To figure out just what it would take, I just went on Poker Stars' VIP points calculator, and after playing with it for a bit, it says that I should be able to attain Platinum status if I play $600NL for 10 hours per week. So... not *entirely* out of reach, within maybe the next year or two...